Ask yourself this simple question, Do you want the best for your dog?  Can you provide the best when it comes to nutrition for your dog?

At ITACOR the answer is simply YES!

Just like us a healthy diet promotes a healthy animal and the benefits in the long term are immense.  Over the years we have discovered feeding a variety of meaty bones in a raw fresh diet has far more benefits than processed canned or dry commercial dog food.  While we are not Vets or food experts, we are recommending this diet as a guidline only as it has been proven over the many years in our breeding program with the results of our dogs health, developing into strong and well balanced dogs with the ability to sustain what is expected of them in their daily lives. 

Puppies need a balanced diet high in protein, fats, calcium, vitamins, minerals and oils ensuring they develop and grow healthy.  "The Right Start" with their dietary requirements is essential and necessary throughout their lives.  A pups nutritional requirements are higher than an adult dog.  Their diet is of vital importance for their development and stages of growth.  Their needs will change and vary as they grow each month from pup to adolecent to adult; being aware of what to feed and when to feed will ensure the overall optimum well being of your dog.  Team ITACOR can advise you throughout your dogs life with our years of experience and a team of loyal Vets at our disposal, we are only a phone call or visit away.

Most of the dog’s diet (at least 70-80%) should be made up of raw meaty bones and a combination of meat and fish with 10-20% organ meat made up of liver, kidney, heart and green tripe.  Organ meat is packed with vitamins and minerals.  Fruit and vegetables to be consumed, about 10% this is an important ingredients for your dog.  Dark fruit and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals and amnio acids. This diet is designed to keep your dog in optimum health with this combination your dog is consuming the necessary calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, thiamin, Vit B, Vit B12, niacin, Riboflavin together with Omega 3, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B complex, C, D & E .  

We recommend a raw fresh diet only, adding only grain-free non allergenic dry kibble if necessary to your dogs natural raw fresh diet, just like us fresh is always best with no additives or preservatives. Many main stream commercial dry dog food kibble will have the ingredient listed as “Chicken Meal”, "Lamb Meal" for example, this in identified as the “4D” animals for processing the allowable meat derived from dead, diseased, dying or disabled animals. In actual fact your gaining approximately only 20% meat in the dry kibble. Be aware of the term “meal” next time your purchasing your dry kibble.  It is very common with most of the premium dry kibble on the market to contain some percentages of “meal”.  Futhermore, commercial dry kibble are cooked at very high temperatures which distroy the enzymes necessary to aid in your dogs digestion, the more enzymes in your dogs diet the less the digestive system needs to work; your dog will absorb and digest a raw natural diet with ease gaining all the nutritional benefits.  

All meals should be served at room temperature.


Clean fresh water is to be given and made available at all times.


Meat is the most important food requirement for your dog, quality is very important, all meat should be fed raw.  Chicken, lamb flaps/breast, beef, goat, turkey, rabbit and kangaroo mince are the main types of meat to feed although most meat that are purchased from a butcher and fit for human consumption will do.  Wild game is suitable, it is recommended to freeze 24 hours prior to feeding this will kill off any parasites and bacteria, fur, feathers and all.  Fish can be consumed only once frozen, other than canned fish.  These meats will provide your dog with the essential protein vitamins, minerals and omega fatty acids required for a balanced diet.


Bones are wonderful “toothbrushes” for our dogs and keep both the mouth and gums clean and fresh. No bad breath! RAW chicken bones are fine as are lamb flaps. We advise not to feed large or round leg bones as they can break the dog’s teeth and splinter causing injury and or death. No cooked bones ever!  Bones are necessary as they will ensure your dog gains the calcium needed for strong bones and teeth health.


Most offal and organ meat is fine as long as it is purchased from a supermarket or butcher. Oxe tail, heart, liver, kidney,tripe when possible organic is best.


The dogs love them! Put a can in with their meal once a day when not feeding fish from the raw meats.  Sardines contain choline, omega-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA, Vitamin B12 for cardiovascular health, Vitamin D a rich source necessary for building bones and bone heath, it will help increase the absorption of calcium, rich in protein and amino acids for a strong healthy immune system delivery oxygen and nutrients.


Most vegetables and fruit are OK except onions and rasins which can be toxic to dogs. Vegetables and fruit must be ripe, the riper the better. Use all the scraps from the family dinner preparation ie: ends and skin of carrots, broccoli stalks, celery tops, outer leaves of lettuce cabbage etc. No raw potato or peelings though! green leafy vegetables, ie; spinach, celery,carrots, sweet potato and pumpkin (cooked/raw), most orange vegies are the best. The sweet potato is rich in antioxidant and is an anti inflammatory nutrient that will benefit a highly active dog.  Vitamin A, C and E are all present in this SUPER vegetable, if there is no other vegetable ensure you add baked sweet potato to your dogs diet.

Fruits consist of bananas, apples, berries, rockmelon, they are high in Vitamin B,C,K potasium, magnesium, iron and riboflavin.  Our dogs love to eat the freshly fallen mulberries as we have an abundance of trees thoughout the property.

Ideally they should be put through a juicer and the pulp and juice fed raw. Alternatively they could be put through the food processor or grated as finely as possible. Cooked vegies are fine but raw is best.


Yoghurt and cottage cheese should be given 4 times a week. Skim milk yoghurt is preferable as it contains a higher calcium ratio to help build strong bones. Eggs, shells included not egg white, the white of the egg has an enzyme called avidin which decreases the absorption of biotin, in turn this may result in skin and hair coat problems and diarrhea.  The yolk is fantastic for their coat.


Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful product and should be included in all meals. Approximately 3 tablespoons per adult dog this is your dogs daily tonic as the book written suggests " An apple a day keeps the doctor away"!


Powdered, available from most pet shops. Kelp helps keep the dog healthy, it contains loads of vitamins & minerals. 1 level teaspoon in all meals per adult dog.


This is the secret ingredient packed full of vitamins and essential acids such as amnio, Niacin for the nervous system, riboflavin for healthy skin, eyes and digestive tract, thiamine for heart, protein, phosphorous, minerals, iron, potassium, calcium, chromium, selenium. Use a premium supplement powder, 1/2 teaspoon per 4.5kg of body weight is usually recommended once a day 1.


Garlic is very good for dogs. It helps repel fleas and worms. 1 teaspoon or clove in their meal is ample once a fortnight. Do not over feed garlic as it is part of the onion family and can be harmful in large doses.


Coconut is used as roughage and it helps to clear out worms. Four tablespoons a week is plenty.


Use cod liver oil, twice a week.  Use less in summer as this tends to heat the blood. Flaxseed oil, 5 days a week worked in with cod liver oil. These oils are essential for wellbeing and coat condition.


Vitamin C is an excellent anti oxidant and helps to keep the immune system healthy. Please use a non acidic form of Vit C so it won’t irritate the dog’s stomach. 1 level teaspoon per meal,purchase at health food stores. Other foods that are great are raw honey and dried fruits as treats BUT not rasins.


Chocolate can be toxic to dogs, even in small doses. Please avoid all foods containing colorants and preservatives. Sugar and salt laden foods are a hazard for dogs.


A happy, active healthy Corso, as breeders of the Cane Corso, we are available at any time in your dog’s life for help with anything that will ensure this wonderful breed continues to live as a happy and healthy member of your family.  

Please do not hesitate to call Team ITACOR for any type of advice or assistance that you may require.  Always seek Veterinary advice whenever needed.